Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I woke up craving...

So apparently yesterday Bob Harper craved egg whites, so naturally he decided to have some. Normally something like that wouldn't bother me. People post useless information about themselves on facebook and twitter all the fucking time, but not everyone is Bob Harper. His decision to talk about his dietary downfalls on a social networking site was going to have consequences no matter what. The consequence of this decision? VEGANS WENT FUCKING CRAZY! And as a result, so did everyone else. Clearly, I have problems with this from all sides.
1. I'm disappointed that Bob decided to cave into a craving that went against his "morals"
2. Why share it with everyone on facebook and twitter, thus making a bad name for vegans everywhere?
3. Yes, vegans should be vocal about their feelings, but some went overboard and once again, making a bad name for vegans everywhere.
4. Where were some of the omnivores getting their logic?

Moral of the story, everyone makes mistakes, but for the love of God don't share them with the world. People get the wrong idea and these instances make it hard on everyone. Grow up, keep these things to yourself.

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